Waldemar Julsrud, born in Bremen, Germany, came to Acambaro in 1894. He opened a hardware store. From 1942
to 1950 he had collected over 37,000 pieces of pre-Columbian artifacts of dinosaurs, men, birds, etc. The most of them cam
from the nearby hill called Toro. People brought him pieces from a number of old towns. They were all over the area.
The Chupícuaro people lived in the area from about 88 BC to about 300 AD. These pieces are pre-Chupícuaro. There were
hundreds of species of dinosaur figures. In 1954 the Mexican government sent a team of archaeologists
to Acambaro. They did a number of "digs" and discovered numerous figurines similar to those that Waldemar had collected.
The "official report" said these can not be authentic because dinosaurs and humans didn't live together.
In 1955 Anthropologist Charles Hapgood from the University of New Hampshire did an excavation under
the floor of a house that had been built some 25 years before the arrival of Waldemar. They discovered 43 figures of
the same type, including dinosaurs. THREE radiocarbon tests were performed in the Isotop Laboratory in New Jersey.
The results determined tha dates from 1110 BC to 4530 BC.
In 1972 18 figurines were sent to the University of Pennsyvalia for testing. The results determined
they were from about 2500BC.
In 1964 at the age of 89 Waldemar died in Acambaro and his private collection remained in his home,
which now houses the museum.
In 1990 Neal Steedy did other excavations and the dating resulted in the time era of about 4,000 years
ago. In the museum today there are 6 rooms filled with the figurine displays. There are literally thousands for YOU
to see. People have come from Sweden, Germany, and Korea to see this mystery.
Waldemar Julsrud said, "These are enigmas. These are miracles that we can see, but they are
mysteries that human intelligence can not resolve." The question that remains unanswered to this day is
how did these people of the Acambara area know what dinosaurs looked like? We didn't know until about a hundred years
This day trip will be from 10 to 11 hours long. Price: $220.00 USD